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New Library Page

Listen to new stories and

stories you have missed.

  • Make A 3-D Dragon

  • Sing Dragons love Tacos

  • Taco Recipe

  • Play Charades

  • Dragon Jokes

  • And More!

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Taco Shop Imaginative Play and Cutting Fun

Act out your own Wordy Birdy Story with the Reader's Theatre script.


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See how many of these birds you see in your backyard.

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STEM Activity

Can You Build A Nest?

Bird Information


Script is for Reader's Theatre or you can make your own drawings for the book.

Things You Could Do If You're Bored


- Make up a “Would you Rather Game”

- Create a scavenger hunt

- Make a fort

- Air band – Lip synch and/or pretend to play along to your favourite songs or singers

- Dance Party

- Create your own imaginary world in scrapbook form

- Create your own newspaper or news report

- Create a skit/ play and perform it to your family

- Make stuff out of scraps

- Create arcade-type games for your family to enjoy

- Create a workout routine for your family

- Create an obstacle course

- Pretend to be a restaurant for your family and make a snack/meal

- Look up “Minute to Win It” challenges online and do with your family

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